Tag archive for Snacks

Easy-Peasy Almond Butter & Blendtec Review

Can I just say how much I’ve enjoyed my Blendtec since I got it the beginning of January?! I’ve wanted to get a Blendtec blender for a few years now. I’ve seen lots of other bloggers that I love talk about how great it is…

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Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (with essential oils)

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (with essential oils)

Alright! Here it is! It’s a gluten-free, corn-syrup-free homemade mint chip ice cream that uses essential oils for the peppermint flavor. {If you’d like to see my recipe for Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream with steamed spinach as the green food coloring you can view the…

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my birthday weekend (and amazing pb cookies)

Those of you who follow me on Facebook, Twitter and/or Google+ probably already saw this, but I thought I would make a blog post about it as well. So my birthday started this morning at 1:30 am when my 21-month old son wasn’t sleeping well…

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Almond Butter Granola Bars (Grain-free)

Almond Butter Granola Bars (Grain-free)

My latest obsession is paleo-type granola bars…I was inspired by this recipe over at This Gal Cooks which was actually a guest post by Spoonful of Flavor. Her photos are amazing! I immediately set-out to try make a paleo-friendly version. Below is what resulted! (I…

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Almond Butter Coconut Bark & Coconut Almond Bark

Almond Butter Coconut Bark & Coconut Almond Bark

Back in February, while doing the Whole30, I came across this recipe for Coconut Almond Bark (no sugar added). I checked-it out. I was skeptical to say the least, but decided to try it. Coconut butter? What was that. I certainly didn’t have that in…

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Cinnamon Crunchies (cereal or crackers)

Cinnamon Crunchies (cereal or crackers)

So…one of my “food-creation goals” since I started eating Paleo two years ago, was to come up with a cereal (other than granola-type cereals). And here it is! These also make great cinnamon crackers for an on-the-go snack! Oh and by the way–for all of…

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Top 10 Unrefined Kitchen Recipes

Top 10 Unrefined Kitchen Recipes

The other day I thought it might be fun to look through my old recipe posts and see which ones were “pinned” on Pinterest or “liked” on Facebook the most. I was shocked to find a couple recipes pinned over 1,000 times! I thought I…

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Pumpkin Banana Raisin Bread (with coconut flour)

Pumpkin Banana Raisin Bread (with coconut flour)

Ingredients: 2/3 cup sifted coconut flour 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 1/8 tsp. ginger 6 eggs 1/2 cup pumpkin puree 1/2 cup mashed, ripe banana (1 – 2 bananas, depending on size) 1/3 cup raw honey 1…

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Rhubarb Muffins

Rhubarb Muffins

Rhubarb season is upon us! The first rhubarb recipe I’d like to share with you is for rhubarb muffins. Hopefully there will be more to follow! I’ve been experimenting with a few different recipes and have had requests for a few more…we will see how…

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“Oatmeal Creme” Pies (grain-free!)

“Oatmeal Creme” Pies (grain-free!)

Oh how I wish I could claim this recipe as my own. These are just delightful (and dangerous)! I made a double-batch last night…and I’m afraid they aren’t going to last the rest of today! This recipe comes to us from The Urban Poser. Go…

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