Tag archive for Coconut Milk

Hamburger (or chicken) Pot Pie (grain-free & dairy-free)

Hamburger (or chicken) Pot Pie (grain-free & dairy-free)

As a child, I LOVED the frozen individual pot pies you could buy for less than a buck. I thought they were such a treat (which mom probably thought was crazy since she made most of her meals from scratch…). I especially loved the crust….

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Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (with essential oils)

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (with essential oils)

Alright! Here it is! It’s a gluten-free, corn-syrup-free homemade mint chip ice cream that uses essential oils for the peppermint flavor. {If you’d like to see my recipe for Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream with steamed spinach as the green food coloring you can view the…

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Our son’s first birthday (Paleo Construction Cake)

Our son’s first birthday (Paleo Construction Cake)

This past weekend we celebrated our son’s first birthday! It was so special to be able to have all four grandparents and 3 of his 7 great-grandparents at the party! After the all-day project I tried to tackle for my daughter’s 3rd birthday cake last fall…I was ready for something much…

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Top 10 Unrefined Kitchen Recipes

Top 10 Unrefined Kitchen Recipes

The other day I thought it might be fun to look through my old recipe posts and see which ones were “pinned” on Pinterest or “liked” on Facebook the most. I was shocked to find a couple recipes pinned over 1,000 times! I thought I…

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Chicken Apple Salad

Chicken Apple Salad

Well–here is the first new recipe to come out my current Whole30!! (For those of you not sure what I am talking about, the Whole30 is a way of eating for 30 days…quite similar to how I already eat–grain-free, refined sugar-free, dairy-free, etc. but for…

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Where I Buy Ingredients…and Information on Coconut Oil

I have often received emails with questions on where I buy my ingredients. Hopefully this post will help answer those questions. I love sales, especially the clearance racks and watch for food items to go on sale. I don’t like to spend a lot of…

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Grasshopper Pie (Grain-free, Dairy-free!!)

Grasshopper Pie (Grain-free, Dairy-free!!)

This was our Valentine’s Day Dessert this year! It isn’t as simple as opening a box of ice cream and a package of oreos, but this way it is grain-free, dairy-free, and refined sugar-free! It combines a few different recipes that I’ve already posted. Grasshopper…

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Mint-Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Mint-Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

This Mint-Chocolate Chip Ice Cream is my new favorite dessert…I hope you like it as well!! I can’t wait to try using more spinach and seeing if the taste is still unnoticeable. I’ve tried this both with raw spinach and steamed and couldn’t taste it…

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Hungarian Hortobagy Pancakes (thin pancakes with meat filling and sauce)

Hungarian Hortobagy Pancakes (thin pancakes with meat filling and sauce)

I made these one night after I had a pregnancy craving for them. I haven’t had them since I was in Hungary nine years ago, but I never forgot their delicious taste! I have fond memories of the family I ate these with and the…

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Raisin Nut Crunch Cereal

Raisin Nut Crunch Cereal

Finally! A cereal-substitute we like that reminds us of cereal!! The recipe I based this one off of is from Civilized Caveman and is found here. Thanks for the great recipe, Civilized Caveman! Raisin Nut Crunch Cereal Ingredients: 1/2 cup sunflower seeds 1/4 cup pumpkin…

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