Tag archive for Chocolate

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (with essential oils)

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (with essential oils)

Alright! Here it is! It’s a gluten-free, corn-syrup-free homemade mint chip ice cream that uses essential oils for the peppermint flavor. {If you’d like to see my recipe for Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream with steamed spinach as the green food coloring you can view the…

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my birthday weekend (and amazing pb cookies)

Those of you who follow me on Facebook, Twitter and/or Google+ probably already saw this, but I thought I would make a blog post about it as well. So my birthday started this morning at 1:30 am when my 21-month old son wasn’t sleeping well…

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Almond Butter Granola Bars (Grain-free)

Almond Butter Granola Bars (Grain-free)

My latest obsession is paleo-type granola bars…I was inspired by this recipe over at This Gal Cooks which was actually a guest post by Spoonful of Flavor. Her photos are amazing! I immediately set-out to try make a paleo-friendly version. Below is what resulted! (I…

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Coconut Chocolate Candies

Coconut Chocolate Candies

This recipe is virtually the same recipe as my Quick & Easy Coconut Candies, but with some chocolate added to make it more yummy! Now these candies could be compared to a Mounds or Almond Joy depending on if you add almonds or not. My…

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Mocha Chocolate Chip Cookies

Mocha Chocolate Chip Cookies

I love to make desserts. If you hadn’t noticed that about me by now, well, you must be oblivious. Just go to the Recipe Page of my site and you will see that I tend to enjoy baking sweet treats… But the other thing I…

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Our son’s first birthday (Paleo Construction Cake)

Our son’s first birthday (Paleo Construction Cake)

This past weekend we celebrated our son’s first birthday! It was so special to be able to have all four grandparents and 3 of his 7 great-grandparents at the party! After the all-day project I tried to tackle for my daughter’s 3rd birthday cake last fall…I was ready for something much…

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Almond Butterfingers

Almond Butterfingers

Butterfingers are one of my FAVORITE candy bars. Almost since we started eating paleo (2 years ago) I’ve been trying to create an almond butter version of butterfingers that uses unrefined sweeteners…and here it is!! I haven’t done a lot with coconut sugar, but they…

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Unrefined Kitchen Giveaway Winners and links to 17 great companies!!

Unrefined Kitchen Giveaway Winners and links to 17 great companies!!

Announcing the winners of the $570 product giveaway!! Below are the winners with the packages they won. I have also included the seventeen great companies that contributed to the giveaway–hoping it will be a great reference point to you! The info beside the companies is…

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Top 10 Unrefined Kitchen Recipes

Top 10 Unrefined Kitchen Recipes

The other day I thought it might be fun to look through my old recipe posts and see which ones were “pinned” on Pinterest or “liked” on Facebook the most. I was shocked to find a couple recipes pinned over 1,000 times! I thought I…

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Chocolate Covered Cookie Dough Bites (Grain-free)

Chocolate Covered Cookie Dough Bites (Grain-free)

Pinterest is a wonderful place full of wonderful ideas and TONS of delicious-looking recipes that I can’t eat…BUT those recipes offer plenty of inspiration to make something similar that I CAN eat. A while back a saw a recipe for chocolate dipped cookie dough bites…

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