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Easy-Peasy Almond Butter & Blendtec Review

Can I just say how much I’ve enjoyed my Blendtec since I got it the beginning of January?! I’ve wanted to get a Blendtec blender for a few years now. I’ve seen lots of other bloggers that I love talk about how great it is…

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Hamburger (or chicken) Pot Pie (grain-free & dairy-free)

Hamburger (or chicken) Pot Pie (grain-free & dairy-free)

As a child, I LOVED the frozen individual pot pies you could buy for less than a buck. I thought they were such a treat (which mom probably thought was crazy since she made most of her meals from scratch…). I especially loved the crust….

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Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (with essential oils)

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (with essential oils)

Alright! Here it is! It’s a gluten-free, corn-syrup-free homemade mint chip ice cream that uses essential oils for the peppermint flavor. {If you’d like to see my recipe for Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream with steamed spinach as the green food coloring you can view the…

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Strawberry Pie (Unrefined-Style)

Strawberry Pie (Unrefined-Style)

Strawberry Pie was one of my FAVORITE desserts before drastically changing how I eat…So one of the recipes I’ve wanted to re-create for a while now was a fresh strawberry pie. I actually made this last summer as well, but never got it photographed…and stay-tuned!…

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Meet The Unrefined Kitchen Family!

Meet The Unrefined Kitchen Family!

Hi guys! So this totally is NOT a food post…but thought some of you might like to meet my family. I have this quirky, creative part of me that likes to paint random things throughout my house…there’s a big white tree in our master bathroom,…

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Banana Cream Pie (grain-free & dairy-free)

Banana Cream Pie (grain-free & dairy-free)

The idea of paleo vanilla pudding has been a thorn in my proverbial side (Eugene Miltzner from Adventures in Odyssey anyone?) I’ve tried many times to use arrowroot as the thickener…and then tried tapioca starch without any luck. INSERT: if you have a recipe for…

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my birthday weekend (and amazing pb cookies)

Those of you who follow me on Facebook, Twitter and/or Google+ probably already saw this, but I thought I would make a blog post about it as well. So my birthday started this morning at 1:30 am when my 21-month old son wasn’t sleeping well…

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Sweet and Sour Pineapple Chicken

Sweet and Sour Pineapple Chicken

Growing up, Mom would make us “Sweet & Sour Chicken Stir-Fry” which was a favorite recipe from our good friend and neighbor Pam K. It was delicious! I have re-created it so we can eat it making it corn-free and soy-free. (My kiddos prefer carrots…

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Almond Butter Granola Bars (Grain-free)

Almond Butter Granola Bars (Grain-free)

My latest obsession is paleo-type granola bars…I was inspired by this recipe over at This Gal Cooks which was actually a guest post by Spoonful of Flavor. Her photos are amazing! I immediately set-out to try make a paleo-friendly version. Below is what resulted! (I…

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Coconut Chocolate Candies

Coconut Chocolate Candies

This recipe is virtually the same recipe as my Quick & Easy Coconut Candies, but with some chocolate added to make it more yummy! Now these candies could be compared to a Mounds or Almond Joy depending on if you add almonds or not. My…

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