Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (with essential oils)

Alright! Here it is! It’s a gluten-free, corn-syrup-free homemade mint chip ice cream that uses essential oils for the peppermint flavor. {If you’d like to see my recipe for Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream with steamed spinach as the green food coloring you can view the recipe here.}

I recently delved into the fascinating world of essential oils and plan to have more posts on them in the future, but for now, I’ll just give you a few tips on cooking with Peppermint Essential Oil which has been a fun experiment!

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (version 2)

2 cups cream (or 1 can full-fat coconut milk–if using coconut milk you may have to increase peppermint oil)
1/4 cup honey (OR 1/3 cup granulated sugar)
1/4 tsp. vanilla
2 drops Peppermint Oil
2 Tbsp. mini chocolate chips (we like Enjoy Life)

1. Mix cream, honey and vanilla together with a wire whisk or mixer until honey is incorporated.
2. Carefully add one drop of peppermint oil at a time to the mixture, whisk and add more if needed. (I’m finding 1 drop per cup of cream for ice cream is a good ratio for our liking.)
3. Pour the ice cream mixture into your ice cream maker and freeze according to your ice cream maker’s directions. Once it is finished, stir in mini chocolate chips and freeze.


Tips on Cooking with Essential Oils
1. Always use an oil that says safe for internal use. A lot of essential oils have been diluted or have fillers and would not be safe for consumption.
2. Pure, essential oils such are very strong. One or two drops goes a LONG ways! With the ice cream I’m finding 1 drop of peppermint oil to 1 cup of cream a good ratio.
3. Add 9-10 drops of peppermint oil to a batch of brownies for peppermint brownies! (I have added 9 drops to my chocolate cake recipe that I also use for brownies here.)
4. Start with 1 drop at a time in a recipe until you get to the desired taste you like.


And the container is one of the super-cute reusable ice cream containers by Tovolo I ordered on Amazon! It is a sturdy plastic with a silicone lid and it’s dishwasher safe! The design on the front is a sticker so I’m not sure how long it will stay on, but either way it won’t affect the functionality of the container! (The image on Amazon doesn’t show a sticker, but mine came with one on it…not sure if they all do or not?) I love putting my homemade ice cream in an actual ice cream container instead of a glass bowl that I use for mixing and then can’t use because it’s full of ice cream in the freezer…

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