Hi guys! So this totally is NOT a food post…but thought some of you might like to meet my family. I have this quirky, creative part of me that likes to paint random things throughout my house…there’s a big white tree in our master bathroom, the treble clef staff of 7 hymns as a border throughout my kitchen/dining room…you get the idea. Well, a few years back I decided to paint a mural in our basement. I had great help from Mrs. B. who helped me with the shadows. Here it is…
We recently headed back to the midwest to see my family. My dear friend Abby from Studio A Photo (who was also my Matron of Honor) was going to take some pics of our family while we were there. When talking about what type of location we would like to use, Abby came up with the idea of going to a local diner to take some pics for our basement!! I got so excited about the idea. And well, here a few of the highlights!
Here are my boys outside of the diner. This is my husband Nick and our son Malachi. Our friend Jeffrey, who blogs over at Incendiary Musings, borrowed us the great fedora and suspenders Nick used!
Meet Lydia, our newest addition, styling some shades from Grandma Ranee who is a floral designer over at Flowers By Ranee!
Big sister Abriana and brother Malachi were enjoying treats in a corner booth.
Here they are laughing about something…I sure do love them!
Here’s our Abriana, bright and full of energy!
This is our sweet and mischievous Malachi, sipping away on his treat…
And here is our laid-back, happy Lydia, who just turned 6 months old.
And a few, fun shots of my husband and I that Abby was able to grab while my mom graciously wrangled our children climbing over booths, crying and trying to get to Daddy 🙂
You’ll find my amazing husband Nick over at Blaine Mountain Technologies! So thankful to the Lord Jesus for bringing us together, our 8 years of marriage and for the family He has blessed us with!
We had a great time and got some fantastic pictures to add to our diner-themed family room!! Thank you so much Abby and Kroll’s Diner and to my sister Melody who did my hair and make-up! Now you have met my family and those willing to try all my crazy, kitchen experiments!! Love you guys!
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Sistem Informasi
Apr 13, 2023 -
When talking about what type of location we would like to use, Abby came up with the idea of going to a local diner to take some pics for our basement!! I got so excited about the idea.
Lynn Freedman
Nov 15, 2015 -
What a beautiful, happy family. Thanks for letting your readers have a glimpse of your life OUTSIDE the kitchen. I have recently found your site through FB, probably because I am on Dr. Davis’s WheatBelly blog. Love, love, love your recipes and chatty style.
Best regards to your lovely family.
greg kulla
Jun 13, 2014 -
Beautiful family!
I was referred to your website recently and am so happy there are so many good things to eat. My wife and I started a Paleo diet to eat cleaner and i love to eat and cant afford to loose any weight. Your recipes are going to be a big help. Praise God
Jun 3, 2014 -
You have a beautiful family; thank you for sharing.
Erin K.
Jun 3, 2014 -
Those are some of the best family photos I have seen in a long time! Thanks for introducing us to your beautiful family! 🙂
Jun 3, 2014 -
Your family is beautiful. The photo shoot idea just brilliant. The outfits adorable, your heels are so cute too. You look great as well.
The pictures gave me much joy, brought tears to my eyes just reading your comments. Having God in your marriage means you’ll have another and another and another eight years together and more. Thanks for sharing.
Jun 3, 2014 -
Great post! Beautiful, fun family! Congratulations! Life is good!