We grew up having a sweet potato casserole at Thanksgiving and Christmas with pineapple, streusel and marshmallows. It was so good! I decided this year to try and replicate it (and omitted the marshmallows, though you certainly could make homemade ones to put on top)! It has the tangy-sweetness from the pineapple and a crunchy-sweet streusel topping. I have made it around the holidays, but think it would be a good side dish for any time of the year. And depending on where you live and the time of year, servings can cost as little as $.60!
To view the recipe, see my guest post at The Nourishing Gourmet! Click here.
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Christy Dalton
Jan 14, 2012 -
I stumbled across your website through gluten free easily’s facebook page. I love your recipes!! I plan to encorporate them into our family meals. 🙂 I would like to repost my favorites on my blog as I track my journey to health. Would you mind if I did this, and of course I would always give kuddos to your site. Thanks for the great ideas! 🙂
Jan 14, 2012 -
Hi Christy! Thanks for visiting the site! Yes of course you may re-post them on your site! I hope you enjoy the recipes!